AB 3098 – California Agriculture Relief Act: severe heat impacts

AB 3098, the California Agriculture Relief Act, would rename the California Small Agricultural Business Drought and Flood Relief Grant Program as the California Small Agricultural Business Disaster Relief Grant Program and would expand the purpose of the program to include the provision of grants to qualified small agricultural businesses that…

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AB 2750 – Electricity: procurement: generation from biomass

AB 2750 would extend requirements on electric investor-owned utilities (IOUs) and community choice aggregators (CCAs) to procure energy from biomass generating electric facilities by two years. Also expands eligibility of the five-year extensions for procurement contracts from biomass facilities to include facilities located in areas that voluntarily reclassified their air…

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AB 2549 – Patient visitation

AB 2549 would establish the Patients’ Visitation Rights Act, which makes legislative findings regarding the benefits and value of hospital visitation, and requires a health facility, as defined, to allow specified persons to visit, including children and grandparents. Requires health facilities to develop alternate visitation protocols if circumstances require restricted…

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