Republican Leader Reacts to Latest Bandaid Response to Skyrocketing Gas Prices (09/30/2022)

SACRAMENTO- Today, Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (Yuba City) issued a statement after Governor Newsom sent a letter to the California Air Resources Board urging them to allow oil refineries to begin making and distributing a cheaper winter blend of gasoline.  “The Governor just doesn’t get it. Every other state is…

Read MoreRepublican Leader Reacts to Latest Bandaid Response to Skyrocketing Gas Prices (09/30/2022)

Republican Leader Reacts to Record Overnight Gas Price Increase (09/29/2022)

SACRAMENTO- Today, Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (Yuba City) responded to what some are calling the largest overnight jump in gas prices in the last seven years: “Another predictable forecast in California today: Sunny with high cost of gas and downward pressure on your disposable income. Paying more than $5…

Read MoreRepublican Leader Reacts to Record Overnight Gas Price Increase (09/29/2022)

Assembly Republicans Demand Release Date of 2022 Student State Test Score Data (09/28/2022)

SACRAMENTO- Today, members of the Assembly Republican Caucus sent a letter to Superintendent of California Schools Tony Thurmond and the California Department of Education urging them to provide an immediate release date and an explanation for the delay for the results of the “Smarter Balanced” English, math and science statewide tests. “As an mom, educator, and…

Read MoreAssembly Republicans Demand Release Date of 2022 Student State Test Score Data (09/28/2022)

Republican Leader Responds to EDD Fraud Disaster (09/28/2022)

SACRAMENTO –Today, Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (Yuba City) issued a statement after an oversight hearing was held to evaluate the Employment Development Department’s (EDD) responsibility for paying out nearly $20 billion in fraudulent claims during the pandemic. However, there are new claims that this figure could be much closer to $32…

Read MoreRepublican Leader Responds to EDD Fraud Disaster (09/28/2022)

Republican Leader Reacts to New Report, Slams Ban on Natural Gas (09/23/2022)

SACRAMENTO- Today, Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (Yuba City) issued a statement in response to the state ban on natural gas heaters by 2030 and a new report from UC Berkeley that showed ratepayers are shouldering a burden of $678 on top of their electricity bills in extra costs. “Capitol Democrats are…

Read MoreRepublican Leader Reacts to New Report, Slams Ban on Natural Gas (09/23/2022)