Newsom Loses, Democracy Wins as Effort to Sabotage Public Safety Initiative Collapses

SACRAMENTO – Today, Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher issued the following statement celebrating the failure of Gov. Newsom to sabotage the Homelessness, Drug Addiction and Theft Reduction Act via a competing ballot measure: 

Here’s the real truth: Newsom didn’t have the votes and the measure had serious flaws because it was drafted last minute. 

“I want to thank my colleagues in the Legislature for recognizing this and ultimately stopping this measure from advancing. 

“Together, we as legislators have crafted a retail theft package to be proud of. It went through a transparent process, has bipartisan support and will provide much needed public safety reforms. 

“These bills are 100% our work, not the governor’s. As Newsom gets on a plane to DC, he has shown where his priorities are, and they are not here in California. 

“We will be here working to solve the problems that face our state. 

“And in November, the voters will be able to weigh in on the initiative to increase penalties for thieves and fentanyl dealers. 

“That’s how real democracy works.”
