Yet again this year, Democrats have introduced a host of proposals which will make the lives of Californians even more unaffordable and unsafe. Many of these bills deprive hardworking taxpayers of their money and are just downright nonsensical. So far in 2022, Democrats have chosen to prioritize banning plastic packaging materials over public safety and important water surface storage projects.
The following bills passed out of the Assembly before last Friday’s House of Origin Deadline.
1st Place goes to: CALCHAMBER JOB KILLER Warehouse Ban
AB 2840, which circumvents the California Environmental Quality Act, creates an unprecedented ban on warehouses and logistics use projects irrespective of whether there are any project impacts, usurps local authority over land use decisions, exacerbates supply chain problems, and forces union labor for proposed private projects that are not banned.
2nd Place goes to: “Prison Alternatives”
AB 2167, which requires the court presiding over a criminal matter to “consider alternatives to incarceration, including, without limitation, collaborative justice court programs, diversion, restorative justice, and probation” without defining what these alternatives are.
3rd Place goes to: Bubblewrap Ban
AB 2026, which prohibits online retailers that sell products from using single-use shipping envelopes, cushioning or void fill to ship products by 2026.
Honorable mention:
AB 2223 (Wicks): Reproductive health: Infanticide
-Provides that persons shall not be subject to any civil or criminal liability based on their actions or omissions concerning their pregnancy outcome, including abortion or perinatal (post-birth) death, due to causes that occurred in utero. Protects abortions performed by unlicensed persons. Includes similar immunities for those who assist a pregnant person in exercising these rights. Repeals existing law requiring coroners to investigate deaths related to suspected self-induced or criminal abortions.