Assembly Republicans: Legislators Must Stop Playing Politics and Answer Call to Return to Sacramento (10/26/2022)

SACRAMENTO-  Today, Assembly Republican Leader Gallagher demanded an answer to Legislative Republican’s formal request to call Legislators back to Sacramento. Pursuant to Joint Rule 52, the Legislature may be recalled from joint recess and reconvene in regular session at the request of ten or more members of the Legislature. The request…

Read MoreAssembly Republicans: Legislators Must Stop Playing Politics and Answer Call to Return to Sacramento (10/26/2022)

Republican Leader Responds to Release of Student Test Scores (10/24/2022)

SACRAMENTO- Today, Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (Yuba City) issued a statement in response to the release of the delayed “Smarter Balanced” statewide test scores showing that fewer than half of students met the state standard in English language arts and only one-third of students met statewide standards for mathematics. “These…

Read MoreRepublican Leader Responds to Release of Student Test Scores (10/24/2022)

CA Republicans: Lawmakers Must Return to Work and Lower Gas Prices (10/18/2022)

SACRAMENTO – Today, Legislative Republicans formally requested the State Legislature to reconvene in Sacramento to act on reducing gas prices and tackling other urgent matters. “We cannot wait until next year. Soaring gas prices and the explosion of violent crime and homeless camps must be addressed immediately,” said Assembly Republican…

Read MoreCA Republicans: Lawmakers Must Return to Work and Lower Gas Prices (10/18/2022)