CA Republicans: Lawmakers Must Return to Work and Lower Gas Prices (10/18/2022)

SACRAMENTO – Today, Legislative Republicans formally requested the State Legislature to reconvene in Sacramento to act on reducing gas prices and tackling other urgent matters. “We cannot wait until next year. Soaring gas prices and the explosion of violent crime and homeless camps must be addressed immediately,” said Assembly Republican…

Read MoreCA Republicans: Lawmakers Must Return to Work and Lower Gas Prices (10/18/2022)

Republican Leader Warns Against Nationwide Adoption of CA Labor Policy (10/12/2022)

SACRAMENTO- Today, Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (Yuba City) issued a statement in response to President Biden’s visit to California and latest proposal that will subject every employee in the United States to California’s disastrous labor policy set out in Assembly Bill 5. “AB 5 is just one example of many laws that…

Read MoreRepublican Leader Warns Against Nationwide Adoption of CA Labor Policy (10/12/2022)

Assembly Republicans Launch Gas Tax Petition (10/10/2022)

Make your voice heard and add your name to stop gas prices from increasing! SACRAMENTO- Today, the Assembly Republican Caucus launched a public petition asking for constituents’ help in urging Governor Newsom and Capitol Democrats to cancel the Special Legislative Session the Governor called for December 5th to impose a new windfall tax. In an additional letter to Governor…

Read MoreAssembly Republicans Launch Gas Tax Petition (10/10/2022)

Gallagher Reacts to Report of Highest Gas Price Gap Ever (10/06/2022)

Gas is Now $2.55 More Expensive in California  SACRAMENTO- Today, Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (Yuba City) responded to the latest report that Californians are currently paying over $2.55 more for a gallon of gas more than the rest of the nation- the highest differential on record. “Governor Newsom and Capitol Democrats are as…

Read MoreGallagher Reacts to Report of Highest Gas Price Gap Ever (10/06/2022)