Radical Democrats Side with Drug Dealers, Kill Bills to Hold Fentanyl Traffickers Accountable

Task forces and increased coordination are better than nothing, but Californians are demanding accountability. SACRAMENTO – Today, radical Democrats on the Assembly Public Safety Committee killed bipartisan, common-sense bills to impose meaningful consequences on fentanyl traffickers who are killing hundreds of Californians every month with poison-laced counterfeit drugs. While the…

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Assembly Republicans Call on Newsom to Back Fentanyl Legislation

Bipartisan bills to crack down on traffickers deserve Governor’s support. SACRAMENTO – Today, Assembly Republicans called on Governor Gavin Newsom to support fentanyl-legislation that will be heard by the Assembly Public Safety Committee this Thursday. In a letter, members of the Assembly Republican Caucus highlighted Newsom’s previous support for “expand[ed]…

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Republicans Applaud Deal for Special Hearing on Fentanyl Bills

Stalled fentanyl bills to advance after pressure from advocates, law enforcement & Republican legislators. SACRAMENTO – Assembly Republicans celebrated today’s decision to advance a series of bills fighting the fentanyl crisis to a special hearing on the issue. Insiders are calling the move a ‘major reversal’ by Democrats as the…

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***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Republican Lawmakers to Force Floor Vote on Democrat-Held Fentanyl Bills

SACRAMENTO – Republican lawmakers will unite to force a floor vote on important bills addressing the fentanyl crisis that have been stalled by the Assembly Public Safety Committee. A VOTE AGAINST HEARING THESE BILLS IS A VOTE TO SUPPORT THE STATUS QUO, WITH MORE THAN A HUNDRED CALIFORNIANS DYING EACH…

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Californians Demand Lawmakers Act on Fentanyl Crisis

Grieving families, law enforcement, Republican legislators tell Public Safety Committee that inaction will cause even more deaths. SACRAMENTO – Today, families of fentanyl overdose and poisoning victims, law enforcement officials, public safety advocates and lawmakers met at the State Capitol to demand action on California’s fentanyl crisis. Across the state,…

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