Gallagher Releases Statement on Governor Newsom’s Budget Revise

“Californians aren’t stupid – when they are hurt by Gavin’s mismanaged budget, they will know exactly who to blame.” SACRAMENTO – Today, following the release of Gov. Newsom’s revised budget for 2024-25, Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (Yuba City) slammed the plan as wasteful and irresponsible. Despite warnings from Republicans, the governor…

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ICYMI: “They’re just not buying his 🐂💩 anymore.”

Gallagher blasts Dem lawsuit to disenfranchise CA voters and Newsom’s democracy hypocrisy. Yesterday in an interview with Fox 40’s Eytan Wallace, Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (Yuba City) blasted Gavin Newsom’s democracy hypocrisy as the California Supreme Court heard the governor’s lawsuit kick the Taxpayer Protection Act off the ballot. “He’s fine…

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Gallagher Statement on Democrats’ Taxpayer Protection Act Lawsuit

“So much for Gavin’s ‘Campaign for Democracy.’ The governor and his Democrat allies just gave up all credibility.” SACRAMENTO – Today, Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (Yuba City) issued the following statement on the California Supreme Court hearing Democrats’ lawsuit to have the Taxpayer Protection Act removed from the ballot:…

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Gallagher Calls for California Universities to Re-Open for In-Person Classes

“It’s time to restore order and get students back in the classroom.” SACRAMENTO – Today, after the UCLA administration allowed pro-Hamas demonstrators to force classes online, Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher called on California’s public universities to reopen for in-person instruction. “Students’ rights are being trampled by protestors and administrators…

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Running Out The Clock: Newsom Can’t Solve CA’s Problems, So He’ll Just Try To Wait Them Out

“Hide and Seek” is a child’s game, not advice on how to run a state. The governor can’t run out the clock on major issues forever, but he’ll sure give it a try. We’ve all seen pro-Hamas demonstrators seizing buildings, shutting down campuses and harassing Jewish students in the last…

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