SACRAMENTO – Earlier today, Assembly Republicans held a press conference, introducing a sweeping legislative package aimed at tackling California’s affordability crisis and providing much-needed relief to working families.
“For years, Californians have been struggling under the weight of high taxes and skyrocketing costs, all while Democrats in Sacramento refuse to offer real solutions,” said Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher. “Our plan provides tangible relief and delivers the affordability that hardworking families deserve.”
The legislative package targets the rising costs of food, gas, housing, insurance, health care and utilities—key issues that have driven families and businesses out of the state. Key proposals include cutting utility rates by 30 percent, suspending the gas tax and future increases, and eliminating state income tax on tips received.
Key Bills in the Affordability Package:
AB 12 (Wallis, Gallagher, Patterson): Voids recent amendments to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS).
AB 286 (Gallagher): Requires the Public Utilities Commission to reduce electric rates by 30 percent.
AB 490 (Tangipa): Provides a tax deduction for the interest on auto loans.
AB 547 (Tangipa): Provides a tax credit to help reimburse families who are paying out-of-pocket costs for IVF.
AB 658 (Gonzalez): Stops unaffordable vehicle tax hikes.
AB 780 (Castillo): Creates an opportunity for businesses to correct issues before they can be hit with a costly ADA lawsuit.
AB 838 (Ta): Increases the renter’s tax credit to $1,000 for single filers and $2,000 for joint filers.
AB 856 (Chen): Eliminates state sales taxes on manufacturing equipment.
AB 1058 (Gonzalez): Suspends gas tax, uses general fund to pay for transportation projects.
AB 1219 (Wallis): Largest middle-class tax cut in California history.
AB 1268 (Macedo): Stops any further increases to the gas tax.
AB 1282 (Gonzalez): Allows Californians to deduct medical costs, up to $5,000, from their income taxes.
AB 1443 (Castillo): Eliminates the state income tax on tips.
A video replay of the press conference can be found here.
For more information on the proposed legislation, click here