Democrats Double Down on End of Session Chaos

SACRAMENTO – Democrats are doubling down on their mismanagement and undemocratic tactics during a chaotic end of session. In response to an investigation request from Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (R-Yuba City), Democrats insisted no rules were violated and everything ran smoothly, despite barring Republican members from participating in discussion and limiting debate to just 30 seconds per member.

“Democrats’ refusal to address the chaos on the last day of session is disappointing, but not a surprise,” said Gallagher. “By cutting off debate, Democrats silenced the voices of our constituents and did a disservice to Californians who deserve a transparent lawmaking process. We’re not done fighting for what’s right, because Democrats’ business as usual is no longer acceptable.”

Democrats’ response, where they claim “no rules were violated in the final hours of session,” ignores underlying concerns around limiting debate on important legislative issues. Instead, Democrats have justified their actions by citing precedent and twisting parliamentary rules to retroactively defend their actions.
