Republicans Host Press Conference Discussing their Plan to Lower Gas Prices

SACRAMENTO – This afternoon, ahead of the special session on gas prices, business owners, local mayors and Assembly Republicans hosted a press conference discussing real solutions to lower gas prices and keep California affordable.

Assembly Republican proposals include, among other things, suspending the gas tax, exempting gas from Cap-and-Trade, and cutting red tape on storage projects. A full list is below.

“This session is politically deconstructing the affordable gas supply in California based on a demonstrably false narrative. One of the most renowned and well-respected journalists in California, Dan Walters, in his commentary yesterday provided ample proof. The governor’s proposal is based on a misplaced ideology-solving a problem that doesn’t exist,” said Assemblyman Jim Patterson (R-Fresno), vice-chair of the special session committee on gas costs. “By Newsom’s own analysis, California is a fuel island, one refinery outage away from being unable to meet the needs of Californians. The governor’s proposal will drive prices higher and do nothing to keep California refineries open.”

“Governor Newsom created the California nightmare that forced California residents to pay more than any other state for gas and electricity. And he wants to blame the oil industry?” said Dave Noerr, Mayor of Taft. “He needs to step up and take ownership for his own state and policies instead of blaming others.”

Newsom’s own administration has warned his proposals could cause fuel shortages and increase gas prices. Assembly Republicans have instead proposed bills that will actually bring down the cost of gas and provide drivers relief at the pump.

“Californians pay far too much at the pump, and they’re smart enough to know who’s at fault – Governor Newsom and his ridiculous regulations and taxes,” said Assemblyman Joe Patterson (R-Rocklin). “We need real reform to bring down gas prices, not more dodgy directives that will constrict supply.”  

“Lowering the cost of fuel isn’t a partisan issue,” said Javier Lopez, Mayor of Ceres. “This is an issue for the single mother that has to spend $100 a week driving her kids to school. This is an issue for the small business owners; the plumber or electrician who has to raise their rates because gas is $5 a gallon. This is an issue for the owner of a local grocery store who is paying higher shipping fees & has to raise prices of everyday items due to chronically high gas prices. These are the kinds of stories I hear every single day as Mayor of Ceres.”
