Gallagher Releases Statement on Governor Newsom’s Budget Revise

“Californians aren’t stupid – when they are hurt by Gavin’s mismanaged budget, they will know exactly who to blame.”

SACRAMENTO – Today, following the release of Gov. Newsom’s revised budget for 2024-25, Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (Yuba City) slammed the plan as wasteful and irresponsible. Despite warnings from Republicans, the governor has unsurprisingly failed to propose a budget that meets the moment.

Newsom made big promises he can’t possibly keep while wasting billions on homelessness programs that don’t work and a high-speed train to nowhere. Now he’s forced to make cuts to programs Californians rely on,” said Gallagher. “Newsom played fast and loose with our money and now the game is up. Californians aren’t stupid – when they are hurt by Gavin’s mismanaged budget, they will know exactly who to blame.”

Newsom’s plan includes draining billions from the rainy day fund, leaving our state (and the next governor) dangerously unprepared for even a moderate recession. It cuts resources from water storage and youth mental health programs, while funding money-incinerating projects like the bullet train.

Californians deserve a balanced, responsible budget that spends their tax dollars wisely. That’s not what they’re getting.
