Democrats Pass Newsom’s Reckless Storage Mandate out of Committee

SACRAMENTO – Today, Legislative Democrats passed Newsom’s reckless refinery storage mandate out of committee, something his own Energy Commission warned could cause price spikes and gas shortages. Even the Governors of Arizona and Nevada wrote a letter to Newsom warning against his proposal.

“By passing this bill, Democrats are going all in on Newsom’s agenda to drive gas prices even higher,” said Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (Yuba City). “The governor spent the last six years increasing gas costs at every turn – now he’s pushing a political stunt to divert the blame. For all his talk about high costs, Newsom won’t do a damn thing to bring prices down. He’s looking out for his political career and his Democrat allies in the Assembly are enabling him.”

Republicans have proposed a number of policies that would immediately bring down gas prices, including bills to suspend the gas tax and offer rebates to drivers. Democrats in the committee refused to hear or vote on those bills.
