Other States are Catching on to Newsom’s Energy Lies

SACRAMENTO – Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Governor Newsom is still clinging to the narrative that California’s astronomical gas prices are the result of “Big Oil” price gouging. His crusade against affordable gas is no longer just a California issue—other states, like Nevada and Arizona, are waking up to the consequences of his disastrous policies.

As a Las Vegas Review-Journal editorial published this week emphasized, the same energy companies provide gas to every state in the U.S., yet only California is crushed under sky-high prices.

Anyone could deduce that California’s crippling taxes and expensive regulations are responsible for driving costs up.

Residents in Nevada and Arizona, who depend on California for much of their gas, are starting to suffer from Newsom’s bad policies. Just today, their respective state Governors sent Newsom a letter voicing their concerns about his newest set of half-baked regulations on refinery storage capacity.

Newsom’s strategy of gaslighting voters and deflecting blame to oil companies doesn’t seem to fly in other states (or here, for that matter). In the meantime, Californians continue to pay the price for Newsom’s lies.
