ICYMI: Dems Tangled Up In Their Own Red Tape

“This should be a wakeup call to Democrats that we need real reforms… not carveouts for politicians’ pet projects”

Democrats are getting a taste of their own medicine today – and it’s bitter. 

CalMatters reported this morning that the billion-dollar luxury Capitol office project hit a roadblock thanks to California’s environmental law that’s been hijacked to block everything from badly-needed new homes to wildfire safety projects

Democrats even gave themselves a special carveout to fast-track the Capitol project through the review process, but it’s still bogged down and could miss the deadline for completion. 

These delays, lawsuits and red tape are just a fraction of what Californians face anytime they try to build something,” said Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher. “This should be a wakeup call to Democrats that we need real reforms to this system, not carveouts for politicians’ pet projects.” 

Just last year, Assembly Democrats rejected an effort to speed approvals for home construction and wildfire prevention projects. 

As a reminder, budget trailer bill season is coming up – will Democrats try to sneak yet another Capitol carveout into these shady pieces of legislation?
